Buyers and sellers in real estate are always so focused on the bottom line, the big number, the listing price and the offer price. But the truth of the matter is, it’s not always about price. Sure, a buyer can’t expect a 10 percent discount for writing a sappy letter to the seller. But when you are in the market, be open to being creative, take the sole focus off the price and consider the seller’s entire sale situation.
If competition is fierce in your market and you want a leg up, or you just want to try to pay a little less than full price, think outside the box. Here are three ways you can be creative in your offer and increase your odds of getting the home you want.
1. Offer a quick closing: Often, the closing period could be as important as the price — or even more important. Have the sellers already bought a home and want to be in it before school starts? Are they nervous about carrying two mortgages? If so, this knowledge can be real estate gold to you, the buyer. The sellers may be motivated to accept less on a purchase price if you can close in 30 days vs. someone who needs 90 days. Or offering to close in 30 days may give you an
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